Series 6500 A white truck with a cement mixer attached to it.

TLDdouble telescopic MEET THE MOST SERIOUS COMPETITION IN THE LINE UP. This conveyor telescopes on both the tip and middle section giving it the MAXIMUM REACH and the MAXIMUM Telescoping Capacity of any other. It can give a concrete pump a run for its money. That’s not the point of any of our conveyors but this model does show teeth. It would be a good choice for the operation that is seasonal, rural or remotely located in places where pumps are few and far between.

Product Specs

Maximum Discharge Reach60ft

Maximum Discharge Height35ft

Telescopic Range35-60ft

Maximum Rotation320º

Maximum Discharge Rate90cu yds/hr

Maximum Operation Pressure3000psi

Belt Speed, Variable0-8ft/sec

Belt Support SystemSliders

Total Weight on Truck6600lbs